
Our preferred method of providing technical support is via support ticket which can be accessed by logging in to our secure support & billing system. You can also log a ticket by sending an e-mail from the address you have registered with us for your account, or by filling out our submit a ticket form.

We can also be contacted by telephone during the day and have a 24 hour voicemail service for you to leave a message at times when we are unable to answer.

Support & Billing Login

Tel: +44 (0)1453 700 008

What does our support cover?

We will provision your VPS with the Linux distribution and software requested when ordering. We will periodically install security updates for the operating system and software. We will install a firewall and various other security measures. We can also assist with transferring sites from an existing VPS/server or shared hosting provider.

We will assist you with adding and removing sites, setting up e-mail accounts, databases, etc however if you have ordered a control panel you will have access to manage these yourself. You will be given access to our VPS control panel which will enable you to monitor resource usage, start/stop and reboot your VPS. We will make any configuration changes that may be required to support any software/web applications you wish to run and advise on any compatibility issues this may cause with existing software/services.

You will be given full root access to your VPS, however this comes with the caveat that we cannot guarantee to fix anything which is broken by yourself or anyone to whom you have given access. We strongly advise that you do not attempt to install any new software or make any changes to the server unless you are confident and know what you’re doing. In the event that a server cannot be fixed, it may be necessary to restore the server which may incur data loss.

What don’t we cover?

We won’t upload your site for you, nor will we fix any bugs in third party software which you have installed yourself. We won’t assist with the running of game server, IRC/chat servers (excluding one-to-one live support/customer service systems), bittorrent or anything which is used for distribution of media/content without the copyright holder’s permission or any other illegal or immoral content.